Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

We didn't go to church because Kam was so sick. It was so sad. She had a fever and couldn't keep anything down. She just laid around all day. She had me in tears a couple of times. So she didn't have a fun Father's Day. She is doing much better today! Thank goodness!

Dev has been wanting to make a candy bar card, so she helped me pick out the candy, and write the card. She and Dex had fun putting the candy on. Of course after we gave it to dad for Father's Day, they kept asking if they could eat the candy. Dev asked her dad if he would make her a candy bar card for her birthday.


Sheri said...

Sorry to hear Cam was sick, hopefully she is feeling better! You really have some beautiful children!! Just knowing you are that much further away makes us miss you that much more! Keep in touch!

Brimaca said...

So sad she was sick. :( Little Maggie is so stinkin' cute!

Erika said...

Cute Father's Day card, where'd you get that huge Sugar Daddy?? And poor Cam!

Karmen said...

Doesn't it just break your heart when your kid is sick?! Poor girl! Tell her she has an awesome's sort of like mine!
Oh, and you are quite creative with the Father's Day poster! I love it!

Cody, Tawsha, and Ashlee said...

That means she was starting to not feel to hot at Ashlee's party. Bummer!