Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kids say the Darndest things!

Kamryn has the cutest curls! Devyn straightens her hair sometimes, so Kamryn asked me if I would "scratch out" her hair! Then she said, " I want to look like Oaklee." Oaklee is Davi's little girl (see her blog.) So once in a while I will scratch out Kam's hair to look like Oaklee!

So my mom's dog Cleo got hit by a car last week, and was put to sleep. Very sad! she just got a new puppy, Delilah. She is a way cute golden retriever. Anyway, Kam saw the temple today, and she said, "Mom, Cleo is at the Temple with Jesus." Oh! I thought that was so sweet!!


val said...

What a sweet girl you have! I love her cute comment about the temple too. I need to remember to write down the cute things my kids say too! (So I was going to go to bed a while ago, after talking to you on facebook, but now here I am blogging instead! Oops!)

Erika said...

Cute kids, I love the things they say...and I love blogs so you can remember those things they say! Too bad we missed you while at the wedding, but I'm sure Tim's thing was a blast!

Brimaca said...

They do say the darndest things and she is such a cutie. I miss her cute little face.

Anonymous said...

Hey - this is Kristeen - finaly I found your site... real cute words! I hope you are writing them down...carry a note book around too you might be able to make book and become rich and famous too - wink!